How to create fade effect image slideshow using CSS

You can give fade effect animation for image slideshow using CSS. @keyframes 'at' rule and animation keyword in CSS can be used to make image slideshow with fade effect. With @keyframes 'at' rule, you can define the properties that will be animated in an animation rule and animation keyword to set all of the animation properties.

Here I have used different types of animation properties like animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function and animation-iteration-count. Where animation-name specifies name of the animation, animation-duration specifies animation duration in second(s) or milisecond(ms), animation-timing-function specifies how the animation will play like ease, ease-in, ease-in-out, ease-out and linear and animation-iteration-count:number of times animation should play.

Simple fade effect image slideshow 

Here is a sample CSS code for creating simple fade effect image slideshow written for safari browser.

<style type="text/css">
@-webkit-keyframes fade{
from {opacity:.5;}
50% {opacity:1;}
to {opacity:.5;}
#anim1 {-webkit-animation-name:fade;-webkit-animation-duration:5s;

Here is a full HTML code along with required JavaScript code for creating simple fade effect image slideshow.

<title>CSS Animations</title>
<style type="text/css">
@-webkit-keyframes fade{
from {opacity:.5;}
50% {opacity:1;}
to {opacity:.5;}
@-moz-keyframes fade{
from {opacity:.5;}
50% {opacity:1;}
to {opacity:.5;}
@-o-keyframes fade{
from {opacity:.5;}
50% {opacity:1;}
to {opacity:.5;}
@-ms-keyframes fade{
from {opacity:.5;}
50% {opacity:1;}
to {opacity:.5;}
#anim1 {-webkit-animation-name:fade;-webkit-animation-duration:5s;
<script language="JavaScript">
var i = 0;
var path = new Array();

path[0] = "image1.jpg";
path[1] = "image2.jpg";
path[2] = "image3.jpg";

function swapImage1()
document.slide.src = path[i];
if(i < path.length - 1) i++; else i = 0;
<div id="anim1"><img height="400" name="slide" src="image_1.gif" width="600" />

In the above code prefixes -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, -ms- are used for browsers safari, firefox, opera and internet explorer respectively.

Here is a preview of image slideshow for the code above.


Fade effect image slideshow with caption

You can add caption for this slideshow by adding following JavaScript codes within <script> tag.


caption[0] = "Caption for the first image";

caption[1] = "Caption for the second image";

caption[2] = "Caption for the third image";

function swapImage(){

var el = document.getElementById("mydiv");


var img= document.getElementById("anim1");

img.src= image[i];

if(i <k ) { i++;}

else { i = 0; }

For details on adding caption on image slideshow visit the post: How To Create Simple Image Slideshow Using JavaScript ?

Fade effect image slideshow with caption and link

You can add caption for this slideshow by adding following JavaScript codes within <script> tag.

var link= new Array();   

link[0] = "";
link[1] = "";
link[2] = "";

function swapImage(){

var el = document.getElementById("mydiv");


var img= document.getElementById("anim1");

img.src= image[i];

var a = document.getElementById("link");
a.href= link[i];

if(i <k ) { i++;}

else { i = 0; }

For details on adding caption and link on image slideshow visit the post: How to Create JavaScript Image Slideshow with Links

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