Write a Program in C to Determine Whether a Number is Prime or Not.

Program in C to Determine Whether a Number is Prime or Not.
"A prime number is one, which is divisible only by 1 or itself."

To determine whether a number is prime or not, we have to divide the number successively by all numbers from 2 to one less than itself.

If remainder of any of these divisions is zero, the number is not a prime.

If no division yields a zero then the number is a prime number.

Program in C to Determine Whether a Number is Prime or Not


  1. Declare integers num and i inside main()
  2. Prompt the message allow the input using printf() and scanf()
  3. Test whether a Number is prime or not using while() function.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int num, i;

printf("Enter a number");
scanf ("%d",&num);


while (i<=num-1)

if (num%i==0)
printf("Not a prime number\n");


if (i==num)

printf("Prime number\n");

return 0;

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