Solved MCQ of Java Beans set-1

1. Java Servlets are efficient and powerful solution for creating ....................... for the web.

A) dynamic content

B) static content

C) hardware

D) both and b

2. Filters were officially introduced in the servlet ........................ specification.

A) 2.1

B) 2.3

C) 2.2

D) 2.4

3. ..................... is the first phase of the servlet life cycle.

A) Initialization

B) Service

C) Destruction

D) Both a and b

4. The service phase of the servlet life cycle represents all interactions with requests until the servlet is ......................

A) created

B) running

C) initiated

D) destroyed

5. GET methods are great for sending .................... amounts of information that you do not mind having visible in a URL.

A) negligible

B) huge

C) small

D) both and b

6. Several vendors are adding ...................... to their existing database .................

A) JDOBC, middle-ware products

B) JDBC drivers, upper-ware products

C) middle-ware products, JDOBC drivers

D) JDBC drivers, middle-ware products

7. JSP is not governed by the ................... defined by the Java 2 specifications.

A) syntax and semantics

B) rules and regulation

C) Jakarta tomcat

D) compiler

8. The concept of distributed object computing can be termed as a marriage between ............. and ..................

A) C++, java

B) C, C++

C) Networking, Object-oriented programming

D) C, Object-oriented programming

9. The IDL compiler generates ..................... and .........................

A) runnable code, stubs

B) client, stubs

C) stubs, client

D) stubs, skeleton

10. Objects are units of encapsulation of ................ and ..............

A) Data, behavior

B) data types, data values

C) function definition and function declaration

D) class and method


1.  A) dynamic content
2.  B) 2.3
3.  A) Initialization
4.  D) destroyed
5.  C) small
6.  D) JDBC drivers, middle-ware products
7.  A) syntax and semantics
8.  C) Networking, Object-oriented programming
9   D) stubs, skeleton

شاب أردني عمري 16 سنة أحب كل جديد في عالم الانترنت من مواقع وبرامج واحب التدوين ودائما ابحث عن الجديد لتطوير مهاراتي في مختلف الميادين التي تعجبني لكي انقل لكم وانا مدون واعمل فى مجال التدوين منذ فترة واحب معرفة الجديد والتعرف على الصدقاء .

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