Functions of operating system

The main functions of operating system are listed below

  • Implementing the user interface. 
  • Sharing hardware among users. 
  • Allowing users to share data among themselves. 
  • Preventing users from interfering with one another. 
  • Scheduling resources among users. 
  • Facilitating input/output. 
  • Recovering from errors. 
  • Accounting for resource usage. 
  • Facilitating parallel operations. 
  • Organizing data for secure and rapid access. 
  • Handling network communications. 
  • Interpretation of commands and instructions. 
  • Establishment and enforcement of priority system. 
  • Automatic transition from job to job as directed by special control statements. 
  • Assignment of processor to different tasks being performed by computer system. 
  • Allocation of main memory and other storage areas to the system programs.

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